This describes how to install a docker image of Kolab.

Please note: this is not meant to be for production use. The main purpose is to provide an easy way for demonstration of features and for product validation.

This installation has not been tested a lot, and could still use some fine tuning. This is just a demonstration of what could be done with Docker for Kolab.

Preparing for Docker
I am using a Jiffybox provided by DomainFactory for downloading a Docker container for Kolab 3.4 running on CentOS 7.

I have installed Fedora 21 on a Jiffybox.

Now install docker:

sudo yum install docker-io
systemctl start docker
systemctl enable docker

Install container
The image for the container is available here:
If you want to know how this image was created, read my other blog post

To install this image, you need to type in this command:

docker pull tpokorra/kolab34_centos7

You can create a container from this image and run it:

MYAPP=$(sudo docker run --name centos7_kolab34 -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro -p 443:443 -h -d -t -i tpokorra/kolab34_centos7 /bin/bash)

You can see all your containers:

docker ps -a

You should attach to the container, and inside the container change the root password:

docker attach $MYAPP
  # you might need to press Enter to see the login screen
  # login with user root and password root
  # enter a secure password:
  passwd root

To stop the container:

docker stop $MYAPP

To delete the container:

docker rm $MYAPP

You can reach the Kolab Webadmin on this URL (replace localhost with the IP address of the Jiffybox):
https://localhost/kolab-webadmin. Login with user: cn=Directory Manager, password: test

The Webmail interface is available here:

Installing Demo Version of Kolab 3.4 with Docker
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