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Kolab, Toltec and Outlook

I wrote this documentation while trying to setup a working groupware calendaring solution. It is basically a log of this process, including the problems that I came across, and how I solved it, often with help from helpful people from the associated projects. I hope this text can help other people who will have the same problems. Some portions of this text are tailored for the server environment (SLS) of OM, the organisation that I work for.
Timotheus Pokorra, January 2004


Kolab is an open source linux server software that provides groupware functionality.
Toltec Connector is a commercial plugin for Microsoft Outlook and connects Kolab and Outlook.
Microsoft Outlook is a commercial software and part of the Microsoft Office Suite.
You will need about 300 - 500 MB for the whole Kolab installation.

Links to existing documentation and downloads

Contents of this text

  1. Setup of Kolab on the server *Update* Setup of Kolab on the server, using ZFOS packages
  2. Configuration of Kolab via the web interface, e.g. creating users
  3. Configuration of Outlook (profile, LDAP, freebusy) *Update* Update Outlook 2003
  4. Install Toltec in Outlook and share calendars
  5. Examples for group calendaring (arrange meetings, book resources)
  6. Experiments of reading TNEF calendar objects with php from IMAP
  7. Comparison with OpenGroupware
  8. Fedora & Kolab
  9. Kolab2 & OM SLS 1.5