First I want to say Thanks to Xamarin for providing packages now for Linux again. I am personally using the Mono packages from Xamarin for CentOS7, and the MonoDevelop package for Ubuntu from Xamarin.

I have decided I will not build my own MonoDevelop packages anymore, since the Xamarin packages are sufficient.
There are also some issues that I could not figure out, so at the moment my MonoDevelop packages on OBS do not build at all. I have no intention to fix them, because there is no need for them.

For example, to install the latest MonoDevelop on Ubuntu, you can follow these instructions (see also

apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 3FA7E0328081BFF6A14DA29AA6A19B38D3D831EF
echo "deb wheezy main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mono-xamarin.list
apt-get update
apt-get install monodevelop monodoc-browser

I also wanted to stop building the Mono packages for various Linux distributions, but there are issues for CentOS6 with libgdiplus and libpng15 with the Xamarin packages (, so I will keep providing Mono packages at the moment.

The latest Mono packages for 3.12.1 are available according to the instructions at

I have added packages for Fedora 21 there recently.

I have also worked on getting Mono 3.12.1 built for CentOS5. This required to use a newer GCC than is available on CentOS5. This meant I cannot build it on OBS since it is not allowed to link in different repositories. Obviously I could try to build a newer GCC on OBS as well, but then it becomes more and more complicated, and others have done this work already (

The solution now works with my own LightBuildServer, and the result can be seen here:
If you want to build Mono on your own LBS, let me know, and I will improve the installation instructions for the LBS. All the code is public already, at
The sources for the RPM packages are maintained here:

If you need some paid assistance with Mono packages for your distribution, please contact me via ODesk:

Mono 3.12.1 for various Linux distributions and recommendation of Xamarin MonoDevelop packages
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