For development of the community version of Kolab, it is helpful to have nightly built packages of the master of Note: these packages are only meant for development and testing, not at all for production use!!! We have written
Configuration of Kolab3 for multiple domains
Kolab3: Hosting of multiple domains We provide hosting of Kolab to our customers. Each customer owns at least one domain, and the customer is allowed to create new Email users and do his own administration. The customers have webmail access
Ubuntu Oneiric and X2Go with LXDE for Remote Desktop
For OpenPetra, we want to provide a preconfigured Linux machine, so that interested developers can have a quick start, and don’t need to spend so much time on installing a development environment. I looked at FreeNX, NeatX, OpenNX, and X2Go.NeatX
Ext.Net 1.2 and Mono 2.10 on Ubuntu Oneiric
We have upgraded all the code of OpenPetra to .net 4.0.We also upgraded to Ext.Net 1.2. There were two bugs in Mono 2.10, which were show-stoppers: was a problem with the mono compiler, in Mono 2.10.xThis was fixed in mono
Windows Installer for NAnt
In the OpenPetra project, we completely depend on NAnt, which works out very well for us.But we have had now several problems with permissions for executing nant on Windows, from the Program Files directory. Also the creation of the nant.bat
Use Case OpenPetra for TeenStreet 2011
Intro For TeenStreet 2011 in Germany, we have extended and used OpenPetra.TeenStreet ( is an International Christian Teenager Event that happens all over the world.Teenagers, group leaders (aka coaches) and service crew from about 18 European countries, and even further
Ext.Net and Mono
I like ext.js/Sencha for having a rich client in the browser. On the other hand, we are using Mono for running our .Net server. is a good library that helps you to easily write web applications, based on your
Knowledge Tree and PHP 5.3.3
We have got the latest PHP version on Hostsharing, and Knowledge Tree did not work anymore. I got a long list of deprecated warnings, and the session would not even start, so not even a login screen is displayed.
Digest for phpBB Forum without plugin
I am very glad for the hosted apps that Sourceforge provides. It is excellent to have only one login, and not to need to worry about updating the apps. The problem with the phpBB forum is that the notification emails,
Install Smoothwall from bootable USB memory stick
Today I wanted to install Smoothwall on a fan-less device, Lex Light LG8302. There is the tool UNetbootin, but it does not support the Smoothwall iso image, and even if it copies to iso file to USB, when you