At, we have decided to use Ansible for setting up our servers. The most documented way of installing something on a machine via Ansible is using sudo: you create a normal user (eg. called deploy), that you can use
Updated kolab-autoconf package for Kolab 16.1
Here comes a quick overview on recent updates to Kolab 16 packages. Please note: I am only using public information. I have no background knowledge about the releases. In the past weeks, the kolab-autoconf package has been updated from version
Sieve notifications with Roundcube and Kolab
A customer of asked about notifications: you set up a filter in Roundcube, and you will be notified whenever an email arrives, and the notification is sent to an email address that you check more regularly. It is not
Accessing the Kolab Webadmin API from PHP via CURL
Recently I was in the situation where I needed to manage users in Kolab from PHP. There is an API for the Kolab Webadmin, and it is documented here: There is also a PHP class, that I could have
Updated roundcubemail-plugin-contextmenu package for Kolab 16.1
Here comes a quick overview on recent updates to Kolab 16 packages. Please note: I am only using public information. I have no background knowledge about the releases. In the past days, the roundcubemail-plugin-contextmenu package has been updated from version
Updated erlang and guam packages for Debian_8.0_Plesk_17 for Kolab 16.1
Here comes a quick overview on recent updates to Kolab 16 packages. Please note: I am only using public information. I have no background knowledge about the releases. In the past days, the erlang package has been built for Debian
Updated package roundcubemail 1.3 for Kolab 16.1
Here comes a quick overview on recent updates to Kolab 16 packages. Please note: I am only using public information. I have no background knowledge about the releases. In the past days, the package roundcubemail has been updated from 1.2
Updated package kolab-syncroton for Kolab 16.1
Here comes a quick overview on recent updates to Kolab 16 packages. Please note: I am only using public information. I have no background knowledge about the releases. I did not report on Updates for Kolab 16 for quite a
Installing Kontact on CentOS7
If you search for “install kontact centos7”, you find the first link: Unfortunately, that does not work. Even if you add the Kolab 16 repository (wget so that libkolab etc can be installed, you still have conflicts because
Update für KontoCheck 6.0 mit neuer Bankdatei verfügbar
KontoCheck ist eine Bibliothek zum Test deutscher Bankkonten, kann aber auch zum Umrechnen der Kontonummern und BLZ in IBAN und BIC benutzt werden. Es gab ein neues Update der Bankdatei, deren Inhalt jetzt für den Zeitraum 06. März 2017 bis