Diese Woche hat Michael Plugge die neue Version von KontoCheck veröffentlicht. Entsprechend habe ich die Debian und CentOS Pakete aktualisiert: http://software.opensuse.org/download/package?project=home:tpokorra:kontocheck&package=kontocheck Ich habe jetzt auch Pakete für Debian Jessie und CentOS7 hinzugefügt. Auch der Online Dienst https://kontocheck.solidcharity.com/ wurde auf die neue Version aktualisiert. Hier
Mono 3.12.1 for various Linux distributions and recommendation of Xamarin MonoDevelop packages
First I want to say Thanks to Xamarin for providing packages now for Linux again. I am personally using the Mono packages from Xamarin for CentOS7, and the MonoDevelop package for Ubuntu from Xamarin. I have decided I will not
Nightly builds of Kolab now available from LBS
Previously, my nightly builds of Kolab have been built and hosted here: https://obs.kolabsys.com/project/show/home:tpokorra:branches:Kolab:Development There were 2 problems recently: I was not able to add builds for CentOS7. The error message is: Failed to add project or repository: unable to walk
Setting up a Remote Linux Workstation in a Linux Container (LXC)
This post shows how to setup a workstation for various Linux distributions. This uses the lxc scripts described in this blog post: http://www.pokorra.de/2015/02/setting-up-a-server-hosting-several-containers-with-some-useful-lxc-scripts/ Inside a container, you can install an LXDE or XFCE desktop and X2Go server. If you route
Setting up a server hosting several containers with some useful LXC scripts
The situation: you have rented this big server, and you want to utilize it better. But you don’t want to install all services together, rather you want to separate the various services into containers. LXC is very useful for this purpose.
Nightly builds and tests for CentOS and Debian
TBits.net is glad to announce that nightly tests now run every night against the nightly development packages of Kolab, for both CentOS 6 and Debian Wheezy. At the moment, the nightly tests also run for the Kolab 3.3 Updates for
Using Flockport with Jiffybox
I am interested in the idea of Flockport: providing ready built LXC containers for download. So I wanted to try to see how I can actually download a Flockport container and install it on a Jiffybox (the German equivalent to
Packaging NSIS Nullsoft Installer for CentOS RPM
For OpenPetra, I wanted to build the installer for the Windows Remote Client on CentOS. I know that NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) is available for Debian, but I could not find a recent RPM package of NSIS for CentOS.
Kolab/Roundcube with Nginx IMAP Proxy on CentOS6
I have shown in the last article Kolab/Roundcube with Squirrelmail’s IMAPProxy on CentOS6 how to easily configure an IMAPProxy for Roundcube, and explained the reasons for an IMAP Proxy as well. Because I did investigate the Nginx IMAP Proxy as
Kolab/Roundcube with Squirrelmail’s IMAPProxy on CentOS6
There is the suggestion on the page http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/Howto_Config/Performance to use a caching IMAP proxy. This will cache the connections to the IMAP server for each user, so that not every click in Roundcube on a message leads to the creation of