I have been reading the book “Producing Open Source Software – How to Run a Successful Free Software Project” by Karl Fogel over the past weeks. It is available for free here: http://producingoss.com/ I especially liked the chapters about being open:
Debugging Mono Web Services
I had this problem that the asmx files did display fine in the browser, but when I called a function, it would always return a red Zero. To get to the bottom of this problem, I created a web.config file
Install OpenPetra.Now 2014-05 on CentOS6 64bit
This is an updated version of the post Install OpenPetra.Now 2014-05 on CentOS5. Now we are installing on CentOS6, and using my own LBS repository. OpenPetra.Now is now using the unmodified Mono-opt packages. OpenPetra.Now is a tagged revision of the official
Migration of MediaWiki and phpBB from Sourceforge Hosted Apps
So, now Sourceforge has ended their Hosted Apps for good: http://sourceforge.net/p/forge/community-docs/Hosted%20Apps%20Retirement/ Here is the migration path, how I got the OpenPetra wiki and forum to install on my own webspace. My task was to install them readonly, as we want
Install OpenPetra.Now 2014-05 on CentOS5
OpenPetra.Now is a tagged revision of the official OpenPetra, plus some patches which have not made it into the official OpenPetra yet. This includes a replacement of .Net remoting with https webservices, and a plugin system. For an installation which
New builds of MonoDevelop for CentOS, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Debian and Ubuntu
I have just finished the work on the latest MonoDevelop packages. Quite a bit has changed in the build process, so it needed some work to make the build from tarball finish successfully again. See this thread on the mailinglist: http://lists.ximian.com/pipermail/monodevelop-list/2014-May/016077.html
Creating an OpenSUSE LXC container on Ubuntu 12.04
I thought it would be good to create an OpenSUSE container on my Ubuntu LXC machine. I am using the existing OpenSUSE template in /usr/lib/lxc/templates/lxc-opensuse, and some SUSE packages built by Thomas-Karl Pietrowski for Ubuntu from https://launchpad.net/~thopiekar/+archive/zypper, and the build scripts from
Installing Demo Version of Kolab 3.1 with Docker
This describes how to install a docker image of Kolab. Please note: this is not meant to be for production use. The main purpose is to provide an easy way for demonstration of features and for product validation. This installation
Building a Docker container for Kolab on Jiffybox
Preparation I am using a Jiffybox provided by DomainFactory for building a Docker container for Kolab 3.1 running on CentOS 6. I have installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on a Jiffybox. I am therefore following Docker Installation instructions for Ubuntu for
LXC Linux containers on JiffyBox running CentOS on Ubuntu
This post covers several topics at once: I have got some experience with OpenVZ, and was looking how LXC could satisfy the requirements that I am used to. Especially how to install several Linux distributions on one LXC host. I