Our Request Tracker works for users in many countries, which are all assigned to areas. There is an IT administrator for each area, which should be added to the CC list for the request that is from one of the
BestPractical RT: Request Tracker on CentOS 5 with PostgreSQL
see also http://www.ptitov.net/2008/07/request-tracker-installation-o.html Here are the steps how to install Request Tracker on CentOS 5 with PostgreSQL: Install RPM packages yum install postgresql postgresql-server postgresql-libsyum install httpd perl-BSD-Resource perl-FCGI perl-Apache-DBI mod_perlwget http://dag.wieers.com/rpm/packages/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpmrpm -Uhv rpmforge-release*.rpm yum install perl-Digest-HMAC perl-Apache-Session perl-Class-Container perl-Class-Data-Inheritable
DTAUS with C#
I needed to export Lastschriften (instructions for direct debit) for our german office, and after looking for some solutions, I realised that it is not that hard to write it yourself… Here is the result: http://download.pokorra.de/coding/Dtaus.csPlease feel free to use
Building a mono 2.0 RPM for RHEL4/CentOS4
When I noticed that Novell does not offer RPMS of Mono 2.0 for RedHat Linux, I had a look at the Fedora 10 Beta and found that there is a Mono 2.0 Source RPM:mono-2.0-6.fc10.src.rpmUpdate: mono-2.0.1-12.fc10.src.rpm Because we work with CentOS4/RedHat
Use Progress and ODBC on CentOS with Japanese
This is related to my previous blog about using Chinese characters with Progress, .Net and Mono: Allow Chinese characters on a Client-Server application Now the next challenge was to get Japanese characters to work. I first converted the Progress database
Install Chinese or Japanese Windows XP with english XP screenshots
I sometimes have the problem that I need to install an asian Windows XP. I could always install a second XP in english in parallel in order for me to understand the screens in a language that is unknown to
Use the CSParser to process C# files
I wanted to generate code but at the same time parse the target file first to see if any changes have been manually made or with the graphical designer. I found the following parser for c# code: http://www.codeplex.com/csparser; it seems
Manage webspace with Hostsharing
I am a member of Hostsharing eG, which is a German company owned by its members with the aim to take the idea of Open Source to Webhosting. You don’t need to worry about backups or availability, because the webmasters
Allow Chinese characters on a Client-Server application
I recently had to provide a working solution for Traditional Chinese for Hongkong. It involved both ODBC on the Linux server to read correct data from a Progress database, and process that data in .net on Mono, but also on
My first little ASP.net project using the Mono XSP server
I wanted to provide an online version for the project Delphi2C#, so that people can just paste their Pascal code on the website, and see how good the converter is for them when it displays the C# version of their