Just before the Kolab Summit, at the end of April 2015, the Phabricator instance for Kolab went online! Thanks to Jeroen and the team from Kolab Systems who made that happen! I have to admit it took me a while
Setup your own Bittorrent seeder and tracker
Recently, I had two reasons to look at Bittorrent again: The release of Fedora 22, and the desire to use my server as a seeder for the various ISO files for the new Fedora 22. The release of Zak MacCracken
Organize your TODO list with Trello or Kanboard
How do you organize your TODO list? Over the past months, I have tried to organize my TODO list better. Often I kept emails unread in my Inbox: I thought, that I would know which emails I still have to
Installing Demo Version of Kolab 3.4 with Docker
This describes how to install a docker image of Kolab. Please note: this is not meant to be for production use. The main purpose is to provide an easy way for demonstration of features and for product validation. This installation
Building a Docker container for Kolab 3.4 on Jiffybox
This article is an update of the previous post that built a Docker container for Kolab 3.3 from September 2014. Preparation I am using a Jiffybox provided by DomainFactory for building the Docker container. I have installed Fedora 21 on a Jiffybox.
Kolab as a Server Role on Fedora with rolekit
This post originates in the idea from Stephen Gallagher, who is working on rolekit: “rolekit is a daemon for Linux systems providing a stable D-BUS interface to manage the deployment of [Fedora] Server Roles”. The code of Rolekit is available here: https://github.com/sgallagher/rolekit On
Mono 4 for CentOS5
As you may have noticed, the Mono packages provided by Xamarin won’t work on CentOS5, because some libraries are too old. Yesterday, I realized that my Mono build for CentOS5 was still on version 3.12.1. So I updated my Mono packages
Kolab 3.4 on Debian Jessie
Some weeks ago, I did significant work on getting Kolab 3.4 running on Debian Jessie. I did this work in my own time, because at TBits.net we focus on CentOS7. Still the work was benefitial to CentOS as well, because
Kolab 3.4 Community Updates: Roundcube update and some other fixes
I realized it would be good to blog here about updates for the Kolab 3.4 Community Edition. Although it is a community release, and therefore does not come with any guarantuee (that is up to the Enterprise version), some people
New mono-opt and monodevelop-opt releases available
There was recently a new Mono version made available: Cycle 5 Service Release 1 ( You can install it from OBS: have a look at the instructions here: https://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=home%3Atpokorra%3Amono&package=mono-opt Please note, that for CentOS 6 and CentOS7, Fedora 20 and