So, now Sourceforge has ended their Hosted Apps for good:

Here is the migration path, how I got the OpenPetra wiki and forum to install on my own webspace.

My task was to install them readonly, as we want to do the proper migration later, perhaps to other software, who knows.

I got the backup through the shell access, but it seems now that all backups have been placed in the project’s home directory.


I have installed the recent version 1.23.0.

  1. restore the database from the sql backup file
  2. extract the file mediawiki-1.23.0.tar.gz
  3. extract the files from the file backup file, into images.
    mv home/.../path/images/* images
  4. run the installer of MediaWiki in the webbrowser. It will automatically upgrade the database fine.
  5. modify LocalSettings.php, so that noone can register and even registered users cannot edit:
    $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;
    $wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false;
    $wgGroupPermissions['user']['edit'] = false;


I have installed the recent stable version phpBB-3.0.12.

The version that Sourceforge has used was 3.0.5, see in the database, table phpbb_config, column version.

  1. restore the database from sql backup file (prefix is phpbb_)
  2. extract the phpBB source code from the zip file
  3. extract the files from the file backup file, into files and images
  4. run the installer of phpBB. It does not work to install into existing tables, therefore use prefix phpbb3_
  5. Then I modified a couple of settings in the phpbb_config table:
    UPDATE phpbb_config SET `config_value` = '1' WHERE `phpbb_config`.`config_name` = 'default_style';
    UPDATE phpbb_config SET `config_value` = '' WHERE `phpbb_config`.`config_name` = 'server_name';
    UPDATE phpbb_config SET `config_value` = 'files' WHERE `phpbb_config`.`config_name` = 'upload_path';
    UPDATE phpbb_config SET `config_value` = '' WHERE `phpbb_config`.`config_name` = 'cookie_domain';
    UPDATE phpbb_config SET `config_value` = '/' WHERE `phpbb_config`.`config_name` = 'cookie_path';
    UPDATE phpbb_config SET `config_value` = 'db' WHERE `phpbb_config`.`config_name` = 'auth_method';
    UPDATE phpbb_config SET `config_value` = '/' WHERE `phpbb_config`.`config_name` = 'script_path';
    UPDATE phpbb_config SET `config_value` = 'http://' WHERE `phpbb_config`.`config_name` = 'server_protocol';
    UPDATE phpbb_config SET `config_value` = '80' WHERE `phpbb_config`.`config_name` = 'server_port';
  6. I use the style from the original database, replacing the sourceforge style:
    ALTER TABLE phpbb_styles RENAME phpbb35_styles;
    ALTER TABLE phpbb_styles_imageset RENAME phpbb35_styles_imageset;
    ALTER TABLE phpbb_styles_imageset_data RENAME phpbb35_styles_imageset_data;
    ALTER TABLE phpbb_styles_template_data RENAME phpbb35_styles_template_data;
    ALTER TABLE phpbb_styles_template RENAME phpbb35_styles_template;
    ALTER TABLE phpbb_styles_theme RENAME phpbb35_styles_theme;ALTER TABLE phpbb3_styles RENAME phpbb_styles;
    ALTER TABLE phpbb3_styles_imageset RENAME phpbb_styles_imageset;
    ALTER TABLE phpbb3_styles_imageset_data RENAME phpbb_styles_imageset_data;
    ALTER TABLE phpbb3_styles_template_data RENAME phpbb_styles_template_data;
    ALTER TABLE phpbb3_styles_template RENAME phpbb_styles_template;
    ALTER TABLE phpbb3_styles_theme RENAME phpbb_styles_theme;
  7. Then I removed all the tables that are not needed anymore:
    AS statement FROM information_schema.tables
    WHERE table_schema = 'tim00_op_sf_readonly' AND TABLE_NAME LIKE 'phpbb3%';

    Copy the result and paste the drop command into your phpMyAdmin or mysql console client…
    You might have to run that twice, it might only return the first tables in the first call.

  8. Then change in the config.php the table prefix back to “phpbb_”
  9. Then run these commands, to reset the cache after the config changes, and to activate the forum:
    rm -Rf install
    rm cache/*.php


Migration of MediaWiki and phpBB from Sourceforge Hosted Apps
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