I wanted to provide an online version for the project Delphi2C#, so that people can just paste their Pascal code on the website, and see how good the converter is for them when it displays the C# version of their code.

On Debian, you need to install:

apt-get install mono-xsp asp.net-examples

This will give you a file


It already contains the configuration for the samples, that live in


To start the xsp server, you just run

/etc/init.d/mono-xsp start

And you will be able to access the samples at


For example to add your own aspx file, copy it to


The source code of that file you can see here:
Browse CVS of Delphi2C#

If you have a dll as well, copy that to


In your aspx file, you need to write at the top to use that dll:

To debug your application (e.g. I had compiled the DLL for .Net 2.0, but the xsp only supported 1.1 and crashed without any message to the browser):

cd /usr/share/asp.net-demos
MONO_OPTIONS=--debug && xsp --verbose

Then in the webbrowser go to


You will see all the Console.WriteLine output, and also any exceptions and Mono crash messages.

My first little ASP.net project using the Mono XSP server
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