TBits.net is glad to announce that nightly tests now run every night against the nightly development packages of Kolab, for both CentOS 6 and Debian Wheezy. At the moment, the nightly tests also run for the Kolab 3.3 Updates for
Using Flockport with Jiffybox
I am interested in the idea of Flockport: providing ready built LXC containers for download. So I wanted to try to see how I can actually download a Flockport container and install it on a Jiffybox (the German equivalent to
Packaging NSIS Nullsoft Installer for CentOS RPM
For OpenPetra, I wanted to build the installer for the Windows Remote Client on CentOS. I know that NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) is available for Debian, but I could not find a recent RPM package of NSIS for CentOS.
Kolab/Roundcube with Nginx IMAP Proxy on CentOS6
I have shown in the last article Kolab/Roundcube with Squirrelmail’s IMAPProxy on CentOS6 how to easily configure an IMAPProxy for Roundcube, and explained the reasons for an IMAP Proxy as well. Because I did investigate the Nginx IMAP Proxy as
Kolab/Roundcube with Squirrelmail’s IMAPProxy on CentOS6
There is the suggestion on the page http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/Howto_Config/Performance to use a caching IMAP proxy. This will cache the connections to the IMAP server for each user, so that not every click in Roundcube on a message leads to the creation of
Building the owncloud client
For debugging an issue (https://github.com/owncloud/client/issues/2485), I needed to build the owncloud client from git master. I looked at http://doc.owncloud.org/desktop/1.7/building.html, but apt-get build-dep owncloud-client did not work for me, could not find the source package. So here are the necessary commands for
Unattended installation of Kolab
For testing, it is useful to run setup-kolab in unattended mode. There might be other reasons too, eg. as part of a docker setup etc. One option is to use Puppet: Github: puppet-module-kolab. I don’t know enough about Puppet yet
Proxy for Kolab yum and apt-get repositories
On the Kolab IRC we have had some issues with apt-get talking about connection failed etc. So I updated the blogpost from last year: http://www.pokorra.de/2013/10/downloading-from-obs-repo-via-php-proxy-file/ The port of the Kolab Systems OBS is now port 80, so there is not
Mono 3.10 and MonoDevelop 5.4/5.5 for Linux
With the recent release of Mono 3.10 (http://www.mono-project.com/docs/about-mono/releases/3.10.0/), I also announce that my packages for CentOS, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Debian and Ubuntu have finished building. You can install Mono 3.10 following the instructions at: http://software.opensuse.org/download/package?project=home:tpokorra:mono&package=mono-opt To run mono, you have to load some
Migrate phpBB forum to Discourse using the Ubuntu packages from packager.io
So it seems that http://www.discourse.org/ is the new way that forums should work. Discourse uses Ruby on Rails, Redis and Postgresql on the server side. This means it is quite different than the LAMP stack that you might be used to. For