A quick overview on yesterday’s updates to Kolab 16 packages.
Migrating Discourse from pkgr packages to Docker installation
Previously, I have used the discourse packages from https://packager.io/gh/pkgr/discourse because that was easy to install and to maintain, just with Ubuntu packages. Unfortunately, those packages have not been updated for a while. Another thing is that I can now run docker within
Updates to Kolab 16
A quick overview on yesterday’s updates to Kolab 16 packages. Please note: I am only using public information. I have no background knowledge about the releases. The package kolab has been rebuilt, with these changes: https://obs.kolabsys.com/request/show/1798 The main difference is
Using Fedora 25 Beta in Docker for LightBuildServer
For the LightBuildServer (LBS) I want to run some of my nightly builds already against Fedora 25 Beta, to see if I need to fix anything in the Mono packages for Fedora. But there is no Beta image for Fedora
Disabling functionality in Roundcube per user, domain or per role
I recently did some investigations into Roundcube. One task was to disable the files plugin for certain users. The other task was to disable the option to export the full addressbook.
Updates to Kolab 16
A quick overview on last weeks updates to Kolab 16 packages. Please note: I am only using public information. I have no background knowledge about the releases. cyrus-imapd: Upgrade from to 2.5.9-31-g959d458 Comment by Jeroen: Check in 31 revisions ahead of
New Roundcube releases for Kolab 3.4, Kolab 16 and Winterfell
There has been a new release of Roundcube: https://roundcube.net/news/2016/09/28/updates-1.2.2-and-1.1.6-published I have updated the OBS packages with this version, and you can run yum update or apt-get update && apt-get upgrade depending on your Linux OS.
Nextcloud client 2.2.3 packaged for Fedora and Epel7
I was able to modify the existing Fedora spec file for owncloud-client, to build a package with the nextcloud theming: Here is the spec file: https://github.com/tpokorra/lbs-nextcloud/blob/master/nextcloud-client/nextcloud-client.spec And the source rpm is available here: https://tpokorra.fedorapeople.org/nextcloud/ Builds for the various Fedora versions,
NSIS 3.0 RPM packages for CentOS7 and Fedora 24
This is an update to the post http://www.pokorra.de/2014/12/packaging-nsis-nullsoft-installer-for-centos-rpm/ NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) “is a professional open source system to create Windows installers.” NSIS 3.0 has been released on 25th July 2016: http://nsis.sourceforge.net/News I have now packages for CentOS7 and
Cycle 8: Mono for Linux, and MonoDevelop 6 Test Release
This post is about the latest Mono release, and its availability for older Linux distributions. Thankfully, Xamarin provides Mono packages for the most current Linux distributions at http://www.mono-project.com/download/#download-lin. I am building Mono packages for older Linux distributions, and some constellations