April 2005:That is how I learnt about RPM packaging of software for Fedora Linux.My goal was to create Fedora packages for Kolab, which is packaged with OpenPKG. Links to RPM introductions The Basics of Developing With RPM Maximum RPM Manual
Find IP address of a Pocket Print Server (e.g. DP-301P+)
on the linux console, type: i=1; \while [ $i != 254 ]; do \ ping -c 1 192.168.1.$i; \ i=`expr $i + 1`; \donearp -a That should give a list of all computers on that subnet The MAC address
VPN between 2 networks with same IP address scheme (Windows)
Problem is, the routing does not work. Solution is: On DOS command prompt, type route add MASK …1.84 is the number of the computer you want to contact in the other network, …1.160 is the client IP
Install gimp 2.0 and gaim 0.79 on Windows, problems with GTK 2.4:according to the gimpwin-users list, do this:Install Gaim’s GTK+- 2.2.4, then Gaim, then uninstall Gaim’s GTK+-, and install GTK+- 2.4.1 and Gimp. Gaim should still work with GTK+- 2.4.1.You
Download websites with dynamically generated content (question mark in URL)
You should use the Windows version of wget, because that converts the ? nicely to the @ character. wget http://www.somewebpage.org –recursive \ –level=5 –relative –tries=1 –convert-links
Using WinMerge to compare CVS branches
I often have trouble with CVS merge, and so end up comparing the files manually. The problem is that the CVS Revision and Log tags should not show up as a difference. I wanted something similar to “Ignore whitespaces”. For
Backup/Restore a harddisk image onto a samba network drive
Use SystemRescueCd: for resizing partitions, creating/deleting partitions: run_qtparted mount -t smbfs \-o username=myusername,password=mypassword \ ///homes \ /mnt/temp1 for storing/restoring of images of partitions: partimage
Reports with Symfony
I wondered what the easiest way was to create reports.I looked into PM Report 4.1 by Zeke Walker, but did not think it would be what I needed. So this is what I did:edit the Peer class of your table,
Symfony I18N
see http://www.symfony-project.com/book/1_0/13-I18n-and-L10n I have changed the default_culture in myapp/config/i18n.yml Based on this blog entry with german translations I have created my own version:save it as apps/mybackend/messages.de.xml
Symfony Project
I enjoy using the symfony Web PHP Framework for a database/web application. To make it run on a Debian Virtual Private Server:add to file /etc/apt/sources.list this line: deb http://www.symfony-project.com/get debian/ Then install the required packages: apt-get install php-pear php5-symfony php5-mysql