There has been a new release of Roundcube:
Configuring Postfix to distribute emails to other servers
At we have a setup for a customer, where Kolab 3.4 needs to cooperate with Exchange, and with an older mail system during the transition. This post describes how to configure Postfix to do this job.
Kolab on CentOS7: changing the password for Directory Manager
I had the problem that I used an password containing the character “<“. This works fine for the 389 directory server, but you cannot login with that password through the Kolab Webadmin interface, because PHP does not handle that character “<” in POST
TimeSheetNG (Next Gen) with mysqli support
I have been using TimeSheetNG for years to record the working time for myself, so that I can keep track on where my time is going, and who I can charge for which hours 🙂 I am using version 1.5.2 of
Setup an LXC host with Ansible
This is my first go at Ansible. Ansible uses SSH to setup servers with a desired environment. The scripts can be run again and again, and only apply things that have changed since the previous run. Please also see this
Update für KontoCheck 5.8 mit neuer Bankdatei verfügbar
KontoCheck ist eine Bibliothek zum Test deutscher Bankkonten, kann aber auch zum Umrechnen der Kontonummern und BLZ in IBAN und BIC benutzt werden. Es gab ein neues Update der Bankdatei, deren Inhalt jetzt für den Zeitraum 07. Dezember 2015 bis 5. Juni 2016
Fedora: vi/vim gzipped file
When I edit myfile.log.gz with vi, I want to see the uncompressed file. There are lots of useful posts on the Internet for how to make this work in Ubuntu. But for Fedora I could not find a solution. There is
Update für KontoCheck 5.8 mit neuer Bankdatei verfügbar
KontoCheck ist eine Bibliothek zum Test deutscher Bankkonten, kann aber auch zum Umrechnen der Kontonummern und BLZ in IBAN und BIC benutzt werden. Ich habe irgendwie das Update der Bankdatei Anfang Dezember 2015 verpasst. Ich habe mir aber jetzt eine vierteljährliche
New Roundcube 1.1.4 release for Kolab 3.4 Updates
There has been a new release of Roundcube: I have updated the OBS package with this version, and you can run yum update or apt-get update && apt-get upgrade depending on your Linux OS. For more details about how
Latest Mono-opt packages for CentOS7 32 bit
I was asked if there are mono packages available for CentOS7 32 bit. CentOS7 was initially only released for 64 bit, but in October 2015, it was released for 32 bit as well: So I checked my build options: OBS