I am a member of Hostsharing eG, which is a German company owned by its members with the aim to take the idea of Open Source to Webhosting. You don’t need to worry about backups or availability, because the webmasters
Find IP address of a Pocket Print Server (e.g. DP-301P+)
on the linux console, type: i=1; \while [ $i != 254 ]; do \ ping -c 1 192.168.1.$i; \ i=`expr $i + 1`; \donearp -a That should give a list of all computers on that subnet The MAC address
HTML2Wiki, Wiki2HTML
wiki2html.sh: This is a linux shell script, using sed, to convert a single page from a wiki into a static html file. see file for more comments. See html2wiki for an online version of the Perl module HTML::WikiConverter::MediaWiki.