rpmtool:One idea could be, to download the file from the OpenPKG CVS and save it to /usr/bin/rpmtool; you need to change the first line of that file to #!/bin/bashAlso add at the top of the spec file: %define l_rpmtool /usr/bin/rpmtool
Converting OpenPKG spec file to Fedora
have a look at Building Packages with OpenPKGSee /usr/local/kolabopenpkg/etc/openpkg/rpmmacros to know what the macros (e.g. %l_musr) mean. To get the spec file, install the OpenPKG source package: /kolab/bin/openpkg rpm -i kolab-webadmin-0.4.0-20050318.src.rpm Copy the /kolab/RPM/SRC/kolab-webadmin/kolab-webadmin.spec to /usr/src/redhat/SPECS;Copy the other files (e.g.
Quick RPM lookaround
April 2005:That is how I learnt about RPM packaging of software for Fedora Linux.My goal was to create Fedora packages for Kolab, which is packaged with OpenPKG. Links to RPM introductions The Basics of Developing With RPM Maximum RPM Manual
Find IP address of a Pocket Print Server (e.g. DP-301P+)
on the linux console, type: i=1; \while [ $i != 254 ]; do \ ping -c 1 192.168.1.$i; \ i=`expr $i + 1`; \donearp -a That should give a list of all computers on that subnet The MAC address
Backup/Restore a harddisk image onto a samba network drive
Use SystemRescueCd: for resizing partitions, creating/deleting partitions: run_qtparted mount -t smbfs \-o username=myusername,password=mypassword \ ///homes \ /mnt/temp1 for storing/restoring of images of partitions: partimage
Kolab Groupware Calendaring
January 2004 See my kolab groupware calendaring pages I wrote this documentation while trying to setup a working groupware calendaring solution. It is basically a log of this process, including the problems that I came across, and how I solved