In 2014, I migrated the OpenPetra forum from phpBB to Discourse. The reason was that Discourse had a fresh look on the way how forums can be done, it had a nice design, and easy and modern user interface. Here
Migrate phpBB forum to Discourse using the Ubuntu packages from
So it seems that is the new way that forums should work. Discourse uses Ruby on Rails, Redis and Postgresql on the server side. This means it is quite different than the LAMP stack that you might be used to. For
Migration of MediaWiki and phpBB from Sourceforge Hosted Apps
So, now Sourceforge has ended their Hosted Apps for good: Here is the migration path, how I got the OpenPetra wiki and forum to install on my own webspace. My task was to install them readonly, as we want
Digest for phpBB Forum without plugin
I am very glad for the hosted apps that Sourceforge provides. It is excellent to have only one login, and not to need to worry about updating the apps. The problem with the phpBB forum is that the notification emails,