The kolab server provides a webinterface for configuration.
Just open the link "" in your browser. Perhaps
you need to configure your host file
(c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts) first in order to resolve the
name to the correct IP address.
You will be asked for username and password. The administrator has the
username "manager", the password was provided by yourself during the
installation process. If you forgot it, have a look at the file
/kolab/etc/kolab/kolab.conf, in the line bind_pw.
There are several things you can configure:
You can enable/disable services provided by kolab.
You can manage the user accounts.
Enable/Disable services
Make sure, that the ftp free-busy
service is active.
Create Users
When creating users, make sure the
domain of the mail address is the same as in the configuration of the
server (see "Server" in menu).