Recently at, we wanted to even better secure the authentication to a web application that we provide to our customers. There are several options to extend authentication: security questions: another security token, eg. a YubiKey: partial passwords: and more…
Organize your TODO list with Trello or Kanboard
How do you organize your TODO list? Over the past months, I have tried to organize my TODO list better. Often I kept emails unread in my Inbox: I thought, that I would know which emails I still have to
kontocheck available for CentOS and Debian as php package
With the coming switch in Germany from Bank account number and banking sort code (BLZ) to IBAN and BIC, there are quite some tasks to accomplish. One task is to convert the bank account numbers to the new IBAN number.
Notify all users logged in over X2Go on their graphical desktop
I am providing now a server for development of OpenPetra, with X2Go desktop remoting.See more details at To save costs, I am running the server on a jiffybox, which costs less when you freeze it. So I am providing a
Knowledge Tree and PHP 5.3.3
We have got the latest PHP version on Hostsharing, and Knowledge Tree did not work anymore. I got a long list of deprecated warnings, and the session would not even start, so not even a login screen is displayed.
Digest for phpBB Forum without plugin
I am very glad for the hosted apps that Sourceforge provides. It is excellent to have only one login, and not to need to worry about updating the apps. The problem with the phpBB forum is that the notification emails,
KnowledgeTree and Versioning of documents uploaded by WebDAV
The advantage of KnowledgeTree is that it keeps versions of each document that you upload. Unfortunately, this does not seem to work in version, when uploading a new version of an existing file via WebDAV. The file is overwritten
Reports with Symfony
I wondered what the easiest way was to create reports.I looked into PM Report 4.1 by Zeke Walker, but did not think it would be what I needed. So this is what I did:edit the Peer class of your table,
Symfony I18N
see I have changed the default_culture in myapp/config/i18n.yml Based on this blog entry with german translations I have created my own version:save it as apps/mybackend/
Symfony Project
I enjoy using the symfony Web PHP Framework for a database/web application. To make it run on a Debian Virtual Private Server:add to file /etc/apt/sources.list this line: deb debian/ Then install the required packages: apt-get install php-pear php5-symfony php5-mysql