In 2014, I migrated the OpenPetra forum from phpBB to Discourse. The reason was that Discourse had a fresh look on the way how forums can be done, it had a nice design, and easy and modern user interface. Here
Let’s Encrypt Wildcard Zertifikate mit Hostsharing manuell verwalten
Seit Juli 2017 unterstützt Hostsharing die automatische Verwaltung von Let’s Encrypt Zertifikaten für einzelne Domains und auch Subdomains. In diesem Post soll es um die Wildcard Zertifikate gehen, die Let’s Encrypt seit März 2018 ausstellt. In meinem Fall brauche ich
Ansible with su instead of sudo
At, we have decided to use Ansible for setting up our servers. The most documented way of installing something on a machine via Ansible is using sudo: you create a normal user (eg. called deploy), that you can use
New Roundcube 1.1.3 release for Kolab 3.4 Updates
There has been a new release of Roundcube: I noticed that because Epel already has version 1.1.3, but Kolab 3.4 Updates still has 1.1.2. Now there is an installation conflict, because yum wants to use the epel version, but that leads
Authentication with Partial Passwords and processing the shared secret with PHP
Recently at, we wanted to even better secure the authentication to a web application that we provide to our customers. There are several options to extend authentication: security questions: another security token, eg. a YubiKey: partial passwords: and more…